Exploring the IRM's Stakeholder Engagements: A Recap of Recent Events
The Independent Redress Mechanism has been active in its recent outreach and inreach efforts, participating in and hosting six events in November. With the goal of increasing awareness of the IRM and its processes, our events have focused on targeting stakeholders, engaging other divisions of the GCF, and cooperating with partner entities on the ground. To recap our events this month:
GCFWatch International Webinar Series – 8 November
The GCFWatch International Webinar Series held its third edition, focusing on GCF work on the country level and the institution’s Gender and Indigenous People’s policies. IRM Head, Sonja Derkum, served as a panelist alongside Helen Magata of GCF IPAG and representatives from WEDO to explain the IRM’s role in projects and the importance of having Independent Accountability Mechanisms (IAMs).
5th Business and Human Rights Symposium – 9 November
The IRM participated virtually in the 5th Business and Human Rights Symposium on 9 November in Uganda, with Sonja Derkum serving as the keynote speaker. The session explored how IAMs provide access to remedy for beneficiary communities. Other participating panelists included representatives from the African Development Bank, World Bank, Accountability Council, and Uganda Consortium on Corporate Accountability.

IU Heads Meet and Greet – 14 November
Co-hosted with the IIU, the IU Heads Meet-and-Greet was an opportunity for members of the GCF community to engage with the new Independent Unit Heads, Sonja Derkum (IRM) and Karen Ernst (IIU), and to learn more about how these Units work and contribute to the GCF’s mission. With snacks, games, and prizes, this interactive and lively session helped to increase awareness of the Independent Units and foster closer ties with the Secretariat.

JVE Cameroon Panel – 16 November
Peter, the IRM Communications Officer, participated in a French-speaking panel discussion organized by JVE Cameroon, an IRM CSO-outreach grant recipient, and Germanwatch. The session covered the role of IAMs in development projects, specifically looking at the IRM's role in Africa. Peter shared his insight on IAMs and contributed to a fruitful conversation on ESS compliance in development and access to redress in the GCF.
IRM Outreach Webinar – 21 November
The IRM hosted a virtual outreach webinar for all interested parties where it discussed the GCF and its operations, how to find project information, what the IRM is and how to access it, and how to approach filing a complaint. Through a presentation facilitated by all members of the IRM, participants were able to better understand the IRM’s functions and processes, but also ask questions and engage directly with the team.
Art of Environment and Social Safeguards: Emerging Trends and Good Practices – 28 November
The IRM also held a discussion on the Environmental and Social Standards (ESS) and human rights in GCF policy. The session explored OCHCR’s new Benchmarking Study on Development Financial Institution’s Safeguard Policies and the panelists gave their perspectives on evolving safeguard standards related to meaningful consultations in the project-programme cycle. Panelists included IRM Head Sonja Derkum, Mac Darrow and Margaret G. Wachenfeld from OHCHR, and James Williams, GCF's Sustainability and Inclusion Manager.

These events showcase the IRM’s commitment to fostering open dialogue, collaboration, and understanding with both its internal and external stakeholders. The IRM continues to be proactive in its mandate and increase awareness of its work and important role in ensuring GCF project accountability.