GRAM Webinar #11 – Increasing Access to Grievance Mechanisms

3 April 2024

  • Тип события Вебинар
  • Участие
    Открыто для публики
  • Date 3 April 2024
  • Местонахождение Виртуальный

For a grievance mechanism to effectively fulfill its role, affected communities need to know that it exists, have trust in the mechanism and be able to access it. As a way to ensure grievance mechanisms are fit for purpose, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) outline eight effectiveness criteria, which include: 1) Legitimacy; 2) Accessibility; 3) Predictability; 4) Equitability; 5) Transparency; 6) Rights compatibility; 7) Continuous learning; and 8) Engagement and dialogue.

In the 11th webinar of the GRAM Partnership, we will focus on the second criterion - accessibility. This criterion underscores the need for grievance mechanisms to be widely known across stakeholder groups and to offer sufficient support for accessibility. We'll explore the challenges that communities encounter and examine practical examples of how grievance mechanisms have ensured accessibility. Panellists include:

  • Peter Carlson, Communications Officer, Independent Redress Mechanism of the Green Climate Fund
  • Ben Shea, Human Rights Officer, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
  • Herve Makebel, Head of the Climate, Energy and DRR Department, Young Volunteers for Environment Cameroon
  • Christine Reddell, Case and Policy Specialist, Social and Environmental Compliance Unit (SECU) of UNDP

The webinar will be in English with interpretation available in Spanish and French.

Logistical information:


The Grievance Redress and Accountability Mechanism (GRAM) partnership was created to offer leadership, a learning and knowledge platform and a meeting space to an increasing number of GRAMs that are emerging in different spheres.